What's Haptics...

Haptics is just touching. Touch is a sense most often not really thought of as a form of communication. Probably because we do it so naturally that half the time we don't really notice if we're conveying a message. If I think about, I often touch someone's shoulder or shake someone's hand when i'm at work and think nothing of it. But to them, i'm comforting and reassuring of my position with the company. My shoulder touch makes them comfortable around me, while my firm handshake reassures them that I am their superior and need to be respected. Still, there's those few clients who need to remember there are boundaries between employee and client. Occassionally, a male client may get too close or touch my chin to try and get intimate feelings across. In this case, haptics is used in a negative way and I call security or may have to file a sexual harassment case. In a general sense haptics is most commonly used among couples or people with intimate feelings for eachother. Friends usually display friendships by walking up and giving hugs, and couples walk hand in hand with eachother to show they are in a relationship. More commonly among couples is haptics acknowlegded since both partners are communication completely through the form of touching, especially in physically intimate settings. This video shows exactly what i'm talking about.

1 comment:

  1. I think touch is a really crucial part in becoming familiar with a person. As humans we are meant to touch, and be close, so I am a firm believer in shaking hands, giving hugs, and generally being close simply because it feels so natural to me.

    Maybe I am just weird. lol.
