Cues and Blues

On page 106 of Jandt's book, cues are discussed and mentioned as behaviors that are recognized world-wide in similar or the same ways. Most people think a cue is a signal of some sort that directs a person to perform an action. In terms of communication, cues are facial expressions that show a persons outward feelings about something, or how others should feel about a situation. Take for example this cat...
The facial expression on this cat is laughter, cueing to anybody else that something was funny. In the second paragraph on page 106, it states "Most people worldwide correctly identify the facial expressions of anger, disgust, happiness, fear, sadness, and surprise." So universally, cues seem to benefit the population as a whole. 

1 comment:

  1. I think cues are probably the only universal aspect of communication. The fact that everyone can know by facial expression if a person is happy, sad, frustrated, or angry; it is the most human part of communication for sure.
